  • UNED Abierta

  • Online

  • 1.0 credits

  • Cursos de centros

  • from July, 1st 2024 to August, 18th 2024

from July, 1st 2024 to August, 18th 2024

The Language of Wines: English for wine experts and lovers (4ed. 2024)

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This is an intermediate English course for wine experts. The knowledge about how the wine is created that such experts have is used as a starting point for the course design. Working on this knowledge the course focuses on exploring and expanding both oral( listening and speaking) and written (reading and writing) skills, depending on the student’s level of English. Specific vocabulary referring to the description of the vine plant, the process of wine making and the description of wine tasting is first revised and then developed with new terms. Those aspects of grammar that are needed in relation with such lexical areas of knowledge are particularly explained and emphasized.

Dates and places
From July, 1st 2024 to August, 18th 2024

Teaching hours: 25
1 credit ECTS.
Online assistance deferred, without having to go to the center.
Online assistance deferred, without having to go to the center.
Other cycle activities
This activity belongs to the cycle ENSEÑANZAS UNIVERSITARIAS, formed by the following activities:

Directed by
Ana Ibañez Moreno
Margarita Goded Rambaud
Profesora titular jubilada
Aimed at
Enólogos, viticultures, comerciales de bodegas, y aficionados a la cata de vinos.
  • Conseguir que los expertos o buenos conocedores del mundo del vino empleen sus conocimientos sobre ello para mejorar su inglés.
  • Ser capaces de presentar oralmente un vino de su elección.
  • Ser capaces de explicar oralmente algún aspecto específico de su elección como sus características organolépticas o su precio.
  • Ser capaces de redactar un resumen sobre un vino de su elección enfocándolo en una selección de aspectos que permitan diferenciarlo de otro vino igualmente de su elección.