  • Pamplona

  • In-person

  • 2.0 credits

  • Extensión Universitaria

  • from September, 30th 2024 to May, 14th 2025

from September, 30th 2024 to May, 14th 2025

Grupo de conversación Inglés B2 2024-2025 (Nueva edición)

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El curso "Grupo de conversación B2" tiene como objetivo fortalecer la expresión oral de los estudiantes y lograr que se desenvuelvan en situaciones cotidianas (ir al médico, al banco, a un restaurante, de compras, de viaje…), empleando elementos lingüísticos del nivel.

Asimismo, se proporcionarán diferentes estrategias de comunicación dotando a los estudiantes con recursos que les ayuden a iniciar, mantener y finalizar conversaciones; mostrar interés,opinar,mostrar acuerdo y desacuerdo, etc. Por último, los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de mejorar la fluidez y trabajar la pronunciación.

Dates and places
From September, 30th 2024 to May, 14th 2025
20:00 to 21:00 h.
Spaces where it takes place: Aula 14

UNED Pamplona 

Teaching hours: 50
2 credits ECTS (pending).
This activity is developed in presence.
  • Monday, September, 30th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 1 English Conversation Practice B2
      ● Course introduction
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, October, 2nd 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 2 Personality. Horoscopes
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.Rising and falling Intonation.
      ● Comparing: Describing people’ s physical appearance and personality. Horoscopes.
      ● Conversation: Getting to know people. Asking for clarification.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, October, 7th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 3 Music
      ● Pronunciation: vocabulary related to the topic.Assimilation.
      ● Evaluating and suggestions.
      ● Discuss: Promoting music
      ● Conversation: Going to a concert
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, October, 9th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 4 Getting fit
      ● Pronunciation: vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Consonant sounds sh- g- ch.
      ● Talking about routines.
      ● Conversation:Getting information and making suggestions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, October, 14th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 5 Fast Food
      ● Pronunciation: vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Discuss: Fast food .Expressing and justifying opinions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, October, 21st 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 6 Complaining at a restaurant. Describing food
      ● Pronunciation: vocabulary related to the topic. Vowel sounds.
      ● Places to eat
      ● Describing food. Complaining at a restaurant .
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, October, 23rd 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 7 What kind of shopper are you?
      ● Pronunciation: vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Discussing options. Reaching a decision ( Agreeing, disagreeing. Opinions).
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, October, 28th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 8 Environment
      ● Pronunciation: vocabulary related to the topic. Word stress.
      ● Passives
      ● Discuss :Noise pollution. Environmental problems. Solutions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, October, 30th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 9 Natural disasters and climate change
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Discuss : Problems and solutions to climate change. Exchanging ideas.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, November, 4th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 10 Friendship
      ● Pronunciation: Adjectives ending in ed. Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation:Expressing feelings
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, November, 6th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 11 Giving advice
      ● Pronunciation: Adjectives ending in ed.Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● May, might.
      ● Conversation: Giving advice. Speculating.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, November, 11th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 12 Deciding how to travel
      ● Pronunciation: Pronunciation s and z. Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation: Buying a train ticket.Comparing different forms of transport.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, November, 13th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 13 Making Plans
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Discuss: Types of holidays.
      ● Conversation: Holiday arrangements.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, November, 18th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 14 Deciding on a career
      ● Pronunciation: Pronunciation s and z. Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation: Expressing preferences and giving reasons.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, November, 20th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 15 Education
      ● Pronunciation th pronunciation.
      ● School memories.
      ● Discussion: Online education. Studying abroad.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, November, 25th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 16 Movies
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Talking about movies.
      ● Conversation: Make plans to see a film.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, November, 27th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 17 Talking about stress
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic. Diphthongs.
      ● Discussing health problems.
      ● Talking about stress.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, December, 2nd 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 18 Happy birthday!
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.Diphthongs.
      ● Conversation: Buying a gift. Returning a gift.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, December, 4th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 19 Homes of the future. Your dream house
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Get/ have something done.
      ● Discuss: taking about homes of the future.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, December, 9th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 20 In the news. Crime
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic; “ w” and “y” letters.
      ● Reporting news
      ● Discuss: Advantages and disadvantages of CCTV in schools.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, December, 11th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 21 The working world
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic. Pronunciation “o” and “u” letters.
      ● Discussion: working online.
      ● Conversation: Applying for a job.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, December, 16th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 22 Success
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Jobs.
      ● Discussion: Working abroad.
      ● Conversation: Job interview.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, December, 18th 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 23 Places to go
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic. Silent letters.
      ● Conversation: Talking about a holiday.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, January, 8th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 24 Growing older
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Good and bad memories.
      ● Discussion: Elderly people.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, January, 13th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 25 Relationships: Social media.
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Risks of sharing information.
      ● Discussion: The best way to stay in touch.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, January, 15th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 26 Recommendations.
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation: Suggestions, recommendations.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, February, 10th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 27 Biographies
      ● Past Tenses.
      ● Pronunciation: Regular/ irregular verbs.
      ● Conversation: Biographies.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, February, 12th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 28 Telling stories(1)
      ● Pronunciation: Connectors.Irregular verbs.Feelings.
      ● Conversation:Telling stories. Expressing feelings
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, February, 17th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 29 Telling stories(2)
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● reporting speech verbs
      ● Conversation: telling what somebody said.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, February, 19th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 30 Asking questions
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation: Asking direct and indirect questions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, February, 24th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 31 Culture shock
      ● Requesting. Offering yourself
      ● shall I?/Will you?/could you?
      ● Conversation: Asking about plans. Suggestions.Recommendations.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, February, 26th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 32 Advice. If I were you, I would…
      ● Pronunciation: W sound
      ● 2nd Conditional sentences.
      ● Conversation:Talking about hypothetical situations. Advice
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, March, 3rd 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 33 The weather
      ● Possibility:May/might; Probability.
      ● Conversation: Talking about the weather and holidays. Making plans.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, March, 5th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 34 Invitations
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● What (a)..such (a).
      ● Conversation: Invitations. Show interest.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, March, 10th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 35 Problems and solutions
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Giving Advice. Obligation. Should-need-have to.
      ● Conversation: Giving advice
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, March, 12th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 36 Experiences: Have you ever……?
      ● Pronunciation: h sound.
      ● Conversation: Talking about experiences.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, March, 17th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 37 Tag questions.
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Interjections.
      ● Conversation: Using interjections. Questions tags.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, March, 19th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 38 Celebrities
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Talking about news and social media.
      ● Conversation: Pros and cons of being famous.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, March, 24th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 39 Apologizing
      ● Pronunciation: How to pronounce the V and W.
      ● Conversation: Apologizing.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, March, 26th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 40 Gerunds and infinitives
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic
      ● Conversation: Using gerunds and infinitives in a conversation.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, March, 31st 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 41 Small Talk
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Phrasal verbs.
      ● Responding to news.Interrupting.Keep conversation going.So do I- Neither do I.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, April, 2nd 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 42 Phrasal verbs
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation: using phrasal verbs in conversations.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, April, 7th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 43 If only I had known…
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Wish/ if only.
      ● Conversation:wishes and regrets.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, April, 9th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 44 Wishes and regrets
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Should have.
      ● Conversation:wishes and regrets.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, April, 28th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 45 Pets
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation: Talking about pets.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, April, 30th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 46 Conditional sentences
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● As long as, Unless, on condition that,..
      ● Conversation: Using conditional sentences in different situations.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, May, 5th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 47 Languages and communication
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Discussion: Discussing learning techniques. Learning languages.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, May, 7th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 48 Where is the love? The black eyed peas
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Discussion: Meeting people.Social media and relationships.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Monday, May, 12th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 49 Science and technology 
      • Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      • Quantifiers. Either, Neither, None,  All, every.etc
      • How much do you know about science?  
      • Conversation: Future predictions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Wednesday, May, 14th 2025
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 50 Purpose clauses
      • So that, in order to, to. 
      • Discussion: Giving reasons.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 

  • Matrícula limitada a 15 personas
  • Si tienen derecho a matrícula reducida deben enviar justificante de su situación a

  Ordinary enrollment Large family General Personas con discapacidad Ámbito UNED Unemployed
Fee200 €160 €160 €160 €160 €
Other cycle activities
This activity belongs to the cycle EXTENSIÓN UNVIERSITARIA 24/25, formed by the following activities:

Directed by
Aitziber Aldabe Moreno
Profesora UNED Pamplona
Coordinated by
María Cardero Elso
Coordinadora de Extensión Universitaria
Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea
Jefa Departamento Inglés EOIDN
Aimed at
Este curso está dirigido a alumnado con un nivel de B2 adquirido previamente que deseen afianzar y mejorar la expresión oral en dicho nivel.

Haber cursado un B2

- Desarrollar la destreza oral. 
- Reforzar las estrategias de comunicación.
- Mejorar la fluidez. 
- Trabajar la pronunciación.
Enfoque comunicativo de la lengua. Actividades que promueven la interacción entre el alumnado.
Grading system
Actividades en el aula y pequeñas tareas para casa. Por ejemplo ver vídeos para poder hablar de diferentes temas en clase.
UNED Pamplona
C/ Sadar, s/n
31006 Pamplona Navarra
948243250 /
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