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In accordance with the provisions of the EU Regulation 679/2016 General Data Protection and current legislation, we inform you that the data provided in this document will be treated, as Responsible for treatment, by the National University of Distance Education (UNED)). The purpose of the treatment is the organization of the teaching and the study, as well as the exercise of the other functions of the Public Service of Higher Education, regulated in the Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, of Universities and in the Statutes of the UNED. The legal basis by which their data are treated is the execution of the public education service provided by the UNED and, where appropriate, the consent. The data may be transferred or communicated, when legally appropriate, to the Associated Centers to the UNED and to the Public Administrations competent in educational matters and in the case of domiciliary payment of public prices, the banking entities will be informed, the data strictly necessary for the management of the payment, as well as at the request of the Tax Agency, Courts or Tribunals.