  • Pamplona

  • Presencial

  • 2.0 crèdits

  • Extensión Universitaria

  • del 2 de octubre de 2023 al 15 de maig de 2024

del 2 de octubre de 2023 al 15 de maig de 2024

Grupo de conversación Inglés B2 2023-2024

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El curso "Grupo de conversación B2" tiene como objetivo fortalecer la expresión oral de los estudiantes y lograr que se desenvuelvan en situaciones cotidianas (ir al médico, al banco, a un restaurante, de compras, de viaje…), empleando elementos lingüísticos del nivel.

Asimismo, se proporcionarán diferentes estrategias de comunicación dotando a los estudiantes con recursos que les ayuden a iniciar, mantener y finalizar conversaciones; mostrar interés,opinar,mostrar acuerdo y desacuerdo, etc. Por último, los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de mejorar la fluidez y trabajar la pronunciación.

Lloc i dates
Del 2 de octubre de 2023 al 15 de maig de 2024
De 20:00 a 21:00 h
Espais en els quals es desenvolupa: Aula 14 i Aula 15

UNED Pamplona 

Hores lectives: 48
2 crèdits ECTS.
Aquesta activitat es desenvolupa presencialment.
  • dilluns, 2 de octubre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 1 English Conversation Practice B2
      ● Course introduction
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 4 de octubre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 2 Personality. Horoscopes
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.Rising and falling Intonation.
      ● Comparing: Describing people’ s physical appearance and personality. Horoscopes.
      ● Conversation: Getting to know people. Asking for clarification.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 9 de octubre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 3 Music
      ● Pronunciation: vocabulary related to the topic.Assimilation.
      ● Evaluating and suggestions.
      ● Discuss: Promoting music
      ● Conversation: Going to a concert
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 11 de octubre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. Getting fit
      ● Pronunciation: vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Consonant sounds sh- g- ch.
      ● Talking about routines.
      ● Conversation:Getting information and making suggestions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 16 de octubre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 5 Fast Food
      ● Pronunciation: vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Discuss: Fast food .Expressing and justifying opinions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 18 de octubre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 6 Complaining at a restaurant. Describing food
      ● Pronunciation: vocabulary related to the topic. Vowel sounds.
      ● Places to eat
      ● Describing food. Complaining at a restaurant .
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 23 de octubre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 7 What kind of shopper are you?
      ● Pronunciation: vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Discussing options. Reaching a decision ( Agreeing, disagreeing. Opinions).
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 25 de octubre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 8 Environment
      ● Pronunciation: vocabulary related to the topic. Word stress.
      ● Passives
      ● Discuss :Noise pollution. Environmental problems. Solutions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 30 de octubre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 9 Natural disasters and climate change
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Discuss : Problems and solutions to climate change. Exchanging ideas.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 6 de novembre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 10 Friendship
      ● Pronunciation: Adjectives ending in ed. Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation:Expressing feelings
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 8 de novembre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 11 Giving advice
      ● Pronunciation: Adjectives ending in ed.Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● May, might.
      ● Conversation: Giving advice. Speculating.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 13 de novembre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 12 Deciding how to travel
      ● Pronunciation: Pronunciation s and z. Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation: Buying a train ticket.Comparing different forms of transport.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 15 de novembre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 13 Making Plans
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Discuss: Types of holidays.
      ● Conversation: Holiday arrangements.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 20 de novembre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 14 Deciding on a career
      ● Pronunciation: Pronunciation s and z. Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation: Expressing preferences and giving reasons.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 22 de novembre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 15 Education
      ● Pronunciation th pronunciation.
      ● School memories.
      ● Discussion: Online education. Studying abroad.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 27 de novembre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 16 Movies
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Talking about movies.
      ● Conversation: Make plans to see a film.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 11 de desembre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 17 Talking about stress
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic. Diphthongs.
      ● Discussing health problems.
      ● Talking about stress.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 13 de desembre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 18 Happy birthday!
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.Diphthongs.
      ● Conversation: Buying a gift. Returning a gift.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 18 de desembre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 19 Homes of the future. Your dream house
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Get/ have something done.
      ● Discuss: taking about homes of the future.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 20 de desembre de 2023
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 20 In the news. Crime
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic; “ w” and “y” letters.
      ● Reporting news
      ● Discuss: Advantages and disadvantages of CCTV in schools.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 8 de gener de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 21 The working world
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic. Pronunciation “o” and “u” letters.
      ● Discussion: working online.
      ● Conversation: Applying for a job.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 10 de gener de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 22 Success
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Jobs.
      ● Discussion: Working abroad.
      ● Conversation: Job interview.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 15 de gener de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 23 Places to go
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic. Silent letters.
      ● Conversation: Talking about a holiday.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 17 de gener de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 24 Growing older
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Good and bad memories.
      ● Discussion: Elderly people.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 12 de febrer de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 25 Relationships: Social media.
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Risks of sharing information.
      ● Discussion: The best way to stay in touch.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 14 de febrer de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 26 Recommendations.
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation: Suggestions, recommendations.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 19 de febrer de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 27 Biographies
      ● Past Tenses.
      ● Pronunciation: Regular/ irregular verbs.
      ● Conversation: Biographies.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 21 de febrer de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 28 Telling stories(1)
      ● Pronunciation: Connectors.Irregular verbs.Feelings.
      ● Conversation:Telling stories. Expressing feelings
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 26 de febrer de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 29 Telling stories(2)
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● reporting speech verbs
      ● Conversation: telling what somebody said.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 28 de febrer de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 30 Asking questions
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation: Asking direct and indirect questions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 4 de març de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 31 Culture shock
      ● Requesting. Offering yourself
      ● shall I?/Will you?/could you?
      ● Conversation: Asking about plans. Suggestions.Recommendations.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 6 de març de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 32 Advice. If I were you, I would…
      ● Pronunciation: W sound
      ● 2nd Conditional sentences.
      ● Conversation:Talking about hypothetical situations. Advice
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 11 de març de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 33 The weather
      ● Possibility:May/might; Probability.
      ● Conversation: Talking about the weather and holidays. Making plans.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 13 de març de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 34 Invitations
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● What (a)..such (a).
      ● Conversation: Invitations. Show interest.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 20 de març de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 35 Problems and solutions
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Giving Advice. Obligation. Should-need-have to.
      ● Conversation: Giving advice
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 25 de març de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 36 Experiences: Have you ever……?
      ● Pronunciation: h sound.
      ● Conversation: Talking about experiences.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 27 de març de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 37 Tag questions.
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Interjections.
      ● Conversation: Using interjections. Questions tags.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 8 de abril de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 38 Celebrities
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Talking about news and social media.
      ● Conversation: Pros and cons of being famous.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 10 de abril de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 39 Apologizing
      ● Pronunciation: How to pronounce the V and W.
      ● Conversation: Apologizing.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 15 de abril de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 40 Gerunds and infinitives
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic
      ● Conversation: Using gerunds and infinitives in a conversation.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 17 de abril de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 41 Small Talk
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Phrasal verbs.
      ● Responding to news.Interrupting.Keep conversation going.So do I- Neither do I.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 22 de abril de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 42 Phrasal verbs
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation: using phrasal verbs in conversations.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 24 de abril de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 43 If only I had known…
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Wish/ if only.
      ● Conversation:wishes and regrets.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 29 de abril de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 44 Wishes and regrets
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Should have.
      ● Conversation:wishes and regrets.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 6 de maig de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 45 Pets
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Conversation: Talking about pets.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 8 de maig de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 46 Conditional sentences
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● As long as, Unless, on condition that,..
      ● Conversation: Using conditional sentences in different situations.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 13 de maig de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 47 Languages and communication
      ● Pronunciation:Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Discussion: Discussing learning techniques. Learning languages.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 15 de maig de 2024
    • 20:00-21:00 h. 48 Where is the love? The black eyed peas
      ● Pronunciation: Vocabulary related to the topic.
      ● Discussion: Meeting people.Social media and relationships.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 

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Altres activitats del cicle
Aquesta activitat pertany al cicle Extensión Universitaria , format per les següents activitats:

Dirigit per
Aitziber Aldabe Moreno
Profesora UNED Pamplona
Coordinat per
María Cardero Elso
Coordinadora de Extensión Universitaria
Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea
Jefa Departamento Inglés EOIDN
Dirigit a
Este curso está dirigido a alumnado con un nivel de B2 adquirido previamente que deseen afianzar y mejorar la expresión oral en dicho nivel.
Titulació demanada

Haber cursado un B2

- Desarrollar la destreza oral. 
- Reforzar las estrategias de comunicación.
- Mejorar la fluidez. 
- Trabajar la pronunciación.
Enfoque comunicativo de la lengua. Actividades que promueven la interacción entre el alumnado.
Sistema d’avaluació
Actividades en el aula y pequeñas tareas para casa. Por ejemplo ver vídeos para poder hablar de diferentes temas en clase.
Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible

Aquesta activitat impacta en els següents Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible:

Més informació
UNED Pamplona
C/ Sadar, s/n
31006 Pamplona Navarra
948243250 /