  • Pamplona

  • In-person

  • 1.0 credits

  • Extensión Universitaria

  • from February, 14th 2023 to May, 18th 2023

from February, 14th 2023 to May, 18th 2023

Grupo de conversación Inglés B1

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El curso "Grupo de conversación B1" tiene como objetivo fortalecer la expresión oral de los estudiantes y lograr que se desenvuelvan en situaciones cotidianas (ir al médico, al banco, a un restaurante, de compras, de viaje…), empleando elementos lingüísticos del nivel.

Asimismo, se proporcionarán diferentes estrategias de comunicación dotando a los estudiantes con recursos que les ayuden a iniciar, mantener y finalizar conversaciones; mostrar interés,opinar,mostrar acuerdo y desacuerdo, etc.Por último, los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de mejorar la fluidez y trabajar la pronunciación.

Dates and places
From February, 14th 2023 to May, 18th 2023
19:00 to 20:00 h.
Spaces where it takes place: Aula 07

UNED Pamplona 

Teaching hours: 25
1 credit ECTS.
This activity is developed in presence.
  • Tuesday, February, 14th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Meeting new people.How fun! 
      • Talking about yourself and your family. 
      • Present simple/Present Continuous. 
      • Age.Likes and dislikes. 
      • Family. Look like. Personality. 
      • Conversation: Meeting new people:Greetings.Giving opinions.Organizing ideas. 
      • Pronunciation: Pronunciation: /h/
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Thursday, February, 16th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • What do you do for fun? 
      • Talking about hobbies and free time. 
      • Recommendations. 
      • Gerunds as subjects Vocabulary: Hobbies.
      • Conversation: Adding emphasis.Giving reasons and opinions. 
      • Pronunciation: Short and long u.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Tuesday, February, 21st 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • My neigbourhood. Problems in the house. 
      • Talking about your home. Housework 
      • Relative clauses.Past experiences. 
      • Vocabulary related to “house/facilities/housework” 
      • Conversation: Asking questions. Asking and giving advice.Agree and disagree. 
      • Pronunciation: Short and long a.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Thursday, February, 23rd 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Help! I’m lost in the city. 
      • Comparing town/ cities.
      • Too / too much/too many. Preferences.Commands. 
      • Vocabulary related to town and cities.
      • Conversation: Asking and giving directions. 
      • Pronunciation: The Schwa sound.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Tuesday, February, 28th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Oh Gosh ! Back to school.
      • Talking about school memories. 
      • Past tenses.Used to. Would. 
      • Vocabulary related to “Education”. 
      • Conversation: Asking for information. 
      • Pronunciation: The sound R.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Thursday, March, 2nd 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h. “Good morning, High tech industries, Emily speaking. How may I help you?” 
      OOps. I did it again! 
      Talking on the phone. Talking about languages. 
      Could you..?/ Can I…?May / 
      Vocabulary: Phone phrases. Interjections. Feelings 
      Conversation: Questions tags. Giving advice. Requests. Permission. 
      Pronunciation: Get rid of the E
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Tuesday, March, 7th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • What do you do for a living? 
      • Talking about your job. Job interviews. 
      • Present perfect and past simple. 
      • Vocabulary related to work. 
      • Conversation: Asking for information. Giving opinions. 
      • Pronunciation:Short and long i.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Thursday, March, 9th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Let´s go to the bank. 
      • Talking about banking operations. 
      • Present perfect. How long will it take to….?
      • Vocabulary related to money and banking operations. 
      • Conversation: Giving advice. 
      • Pronunciation: Short and long vowel o
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Tuesday, March, 14th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • What did he tell you? 
      • Storytelling.
      • Past Tenses . Reported speech. Dates.
      • Vocabulary: Verbs.
      • Pronunciation: Regular verbs.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Thursday, March, 16th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Help! I need some advice. If I were you, I would… 
      • Talking about hypothetical situationsConditional sentences. 
      • Conversation: Asking and giving advice in the present and in the past. Compliments. 
      • Pronunciation: W sound
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Tuesday, March, 21st 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Shall we go out tonight? 
      • Talking about the future. 
      • Going to/Will/Shall we..?/Shall I..’/Will you?. Present continuous with future meaning. 
      • Vocabulary: Free time activities. 
      • Conversation:Asking about plans. Requesting. Offering yourself. Suggestions. 
      • Pronunciation: Sh and Ch. The L sound
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Thursday, March, 23rd 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Let´s be polite in English 
      • May I …?/ Can I…? /Can you…? Could you…?/would you mind …?
      • Reported speech: Indirect questions 
      • Vocabulary: Good manners. Body language 
      • Conversation: Asking for permission. Requesting. Ask questions politely. 
      • Pronunciation :Natural English pronunciation
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Tuesday, March, 28th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Let´s eat out. 
      • Talking about food / taste. 
      • Vocabulary related to food, flavours, taste. Cooking. Drinks. 
      • Conversation: Ordering a meal. Offering. Accepting and refusing offers. 
      • Pronunciation: The TH Sound.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Thursday, March, 30th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • “Excuse me, my salad is too salty.” 
      • Invitation to lunch. Complaints at a restaurant. Healthy Eating habits. 
      • Talking about healthy eating habits. 
      • Vocabulary related to food. Supermarket. 
      • Conversation: Inviting people. Suggestions.Requests. Complaints at a restaurant. 
      • Pronunciation: /i:/ vs /ɪ/
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Tuesday, April, 4th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Shopping
      • Shopping 
      • How much are/is…? 
      • Vocabulary related to shopping. Types of shops. 
      • Conversation: Prices. Refunds and exchanges. 
      • Pronunciation: the letter "Y"
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Tuesday, April, 18th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • The weather: It’s freezing today! 
      • Talking about the weather and holidays. 
      • Possibility:May/might; Probability. Have to. 
      • Vocabulary: Weather. 
      • Conversation: Invitations. Exit conversation. Show interest. 
      • Pronunciation :How to Pronounce /s/ and /z/-.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Thursday, April, 20th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Going to the doctor: “I’ve got a pain in my chest” 
      • Talking about health problems. 
      • Present perfect -Present perfect continuous. Should-need-have to 
      • Vocabulary related to symptoms. Parts of the body. 
      • Conversation: Giving Advice. Obligation. 
      • Pronunciation English Pronunciation the letter 'D'
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Tuesday, April, 25th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Let’s work out 
      • Talking about healthy lifestyles. 
      • Should-need-have to 
      • Vocabulary related to healthy life. 
      • Conversation: Giving Advice. Obligation. Suggestions . 
      • Pronunciation:How to Pronounce T and D Final Consonant Sound
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Thursday, April, 27th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • I have lost my wallet and passport. 
      • What should I do? 
      • Talking about crime. 
      • Passive sentences. 
      • Vocabulary related to crime. 
      • Conversation: Reporting crimes. Reporting a lost item 
      • Pronunciation: 10 Pronunciation Mistakes.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Tuesday, May, 2nd 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Breaking news! 
      • Talking about news and social media.
      • Telling strange news stories. 
      • Vocabulary related to news and social media. 
      • Conversation:Giving your opinion about news online and social media. 
      • Pronunciation:Similar English Vowels.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Thursday, May, 4th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • “I can't make it to dinner on Friday.” 
      • Talking about friends.Movies. 
      • Modal verbs: CanVocabulary related to friends and movies. 
      • Conversation:Making and cancelling plans.Apologizing.Changing an appointment. 
      • Pronunciation: How to pronounce the V and W.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Tuesday, May, 9th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Are you serious? You’re kidding. 
      • Small talk:Talking about different topics 
      • Present perfect/past 
      • Vocabulary related to experiences. 
      • Conversation: Keep conversation going.Rejoinders. Responding to news.Interrupting 
      • Pronunciation: How to say “-ious” endings correctly in English
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Thursday, May, 11th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • At the airport . I’ve lost my luggage! 
      • Talking about transport. 
      • Vocabulary related to airport 
      • Conversation: Ask and give information requested at the airport. 
      • Pronunciation: Silent letters
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Tuesday, May, 16th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • Ways of travelling 
      • Talking about different ways of transport . 
      • Comparative/ superlatives. Prepositions “by”. 
      • Vocabulary related to transport and environment. 
      • Conversation: Ask and give information. Renting a car. Taking a taxi 
      • Pronunciation: N /n/ vs NG /ŋ/
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • Thursday, May, 18th 2023
    • 19:00-20:00 h.
      • “Going anywhere for the holiday?” 
      • Talking about holiday plans. 
      • Future tenses. How long will you be staying? May I ..? 
      • Vocabulary related to accommodation and hotels. 
      • Conversation: Making reservations Check in/out. Complaining: Problems in the hotel. How to say goodbye in conversations. Pronunciation: The G letter
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 

Si tienen derecho a matrícula reducida deben enviar justificante de su situación a

  Ordinary enrollment Personas con discapacidad Ámbito UNED Unemployed
Fee125 €100 €100 €100 €
Directed by
Aitziber Aldabe Moreno
Profesora UNED Pamplona
Coordinated by
María Cardero Elso
Coordinadora de Extensión Universitaria
Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea
Jefa Departamento Inglés EOIDN
Aimed at
Este curso está dirigido a alumnado con un nivel de B1 adquirido previamente que deseen afianzar y mejorar la expresión oral en dicho nivel.

Haber cursado un B1 

- Desarrollar la destreza oral. 
- Reforzar las estrategias de comunicación.
- Mejorar la fluidez. 
- Trabajar la pronunciación.
Enfoque comunicativo de la lengua. Actividades que promueven la interacción entre el alumnado.
Grading system
Actividades en el aula y pequeñas tareas para casa. Por ejemplo ver vídeos para poder hablar de diferentes temas en clase.
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

Esta actividad impacta en los siguientes Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible:

UNED Pamplona
C/ Sadar, s/n
31006 Pamplona Navarra
948243250 /
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