La Violencia de Género ha sido definida por la ONU (1955) como “todo acto de violencia sexista que tiene como resultado posible o real un daño físico, sexual o psíquico, incluidas las amenazas, la coerción o la privación arbitraria de libertad, ya sea que ocurra en la vida pública o en la privada». Para erradicar este tipo de violencia, es necesario, en primer lugar, reconocer todas sus manifestaciones, con sus formas más sutiles, e identificar los múltiples factores que la generan. En esta línea, el curso presenta, además de teorías psico-sociales explicativas, numerosos aspectos menos conocidos por el público general, relacionados con la intervención psicológica, tanto con víctimas como con agresores.
Discount for early registration: Participants who register and complete payment before July, 1st 2019 (if applicable) will benefit from the FEES listed in the following table.
Ordinary enrolment | Reduced enrollment | Reduced tuition | |||||||
Ordinary enrollment | Members of UNED’s Graduates’ Association and of Friends of UNED | University students (all universities) | Large family General | Practicum Collaborators | University Students | Unemployed | Students with disabilities | Victims of terrorism and gender violence | Large family Special | 108 € | 63 € | 63 € | 63 € | 63 € | 63 € | 63 € | 32 € | 32 € | 32 € |
Applicants who register but pay from July, 1st 2019, even if previously registered, will still have to pay the fees below.
Ordinary enrolment | Reduced enrollment | Reduced tuition | |||||||
Ordinary enrollment | Members of UNED’s Graduates’ Association and of Friends of UNED | University students (all universities) | Large family General | Practicum Collaborators | University Students | Unemployed | Students with disabilities | Victims of terrorism and gender violence | Large family Special | 124 € | 75 € | 75 € | 75 € | 75 € | 75 € | 75 € | 38 € | 38 € | 38 € |