
Extensión Universitaria


Legally blonde

  • Aula de Fraga

  • Aurrez aurrekoa

  • Cursos de centros

  • 2017/2/14

Aurrez aurrekoa
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Proyección en VO Subtitulada y posterior debate en Inglés.

Elle Woods gets dumped by her boyfriend Warner because he wants someone who is more serious about her career. Elle goes into a deep depression, spending days in her room. Her friends come to take her to get her nails done, and she finds out from the newspaper that Warner is engaged to a girl named Vivian who he met in law school. Elle thinks she can win Warner back by becoming a Lawyer. She takes her Law School Admission Test and is passes and is accepted to Harvard. Upon her arrival, people at Harvard disapprove of her because she acts like a dumb blonde. Elle realizes that Warner will never respect her, so she tries really hard at law school to prove him wrong. Elle works on a case with a young attorney named Emmet. Elle knows the defendant Brooks in the case and believes she's innocent. Elle begins doing good work on the case and wins the favor of Vivian. The case goes on in court, with Emmet doing a lot of cross-examining. Elle must step up and use everything she has learned to find Brooks innocent.

Lekua eta datak
18:00(e)tatik 20:30(e)tara.
Irakasguneak: Palacio Montcada de fraga


Aurrez aurrekoa
Jarduera hau aurrez aurre gauzatzen da.
Público en general interesado en el idioma Inglés.
Para mejorar la comprensión y la conversación en Idioma Inglés.
Proyección de la película y posterior debate, dirigido por un profesor experto, sobre los temas que se susciten del visionado.
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UNED Aula de Fraga
C/Albalate de Cinca s/nº (Edificio del INSS, entrada lateral)
22520 Fraga Huesca
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