  • Barbastro

  • Aurrez aurrekoa

  • Cursos de centros

  • 2016/12/19

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Monuments Men, Cine-Debate

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Proyeccion de la película 'Monuments Men', en versión original subtitulada.

During World War II the Nazis had removed millions of works of art and cultural objects from museums, churches, universities and private homes. George Clooney’s film is based on a real story which has received little public attention. Starting from an original group of eleven men, seven Americans and four Britons, The “Monuments Men” numbered about three hundred men and women from thirteen countries. They operated all over Europe from 1943 until 1951.

The film was shown at UNESCO on March 27, 2014, as the opening event of a conference, “Modern Day Monuments, Men and Women”, about the preservation of heritage during conflicts.

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18:00(e)tatik 20:00(e)tara.
Irakasguneak: Aula Magna


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