  • Barbastro

  • Aurrez aurrekoa

  • Cursos de centros

  • 2016/10/24

Aurrez aurrekoa

Where the heart is, Cine-Debate

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Proyección de la película 'Where the heart is' en versión original subtitulada

Based on the best-selling novel by Billie Letts, “Where the Heart is” is a bittersweet story with a side order of romance, it has a country flavor, plenty of country music and a story that could serve as the film version of the typical lyrics of any country music CD. It is filled with bad decisions, bad luck and tragedies at every turn, unfortunately, the type of things that really happen in rural America.

This is one of those movies where you feel "all is right with the world" when it's over. It is inspirational, in the midst of the violence and profanity that occurs in life, it reminds you that there are still good, honest and decent people.

Lekua eta datak
18:00(e)tatik 20:00(e)tara.
Irakasguneak: Aula Magna


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