  • Dénia

  • In-person

  • Cursos de centros

  • from October, 11th 2016 to February, 14th 2017

from October, 11th 2016 to February, 14th 2017

Taller español 2. "El español desde 1492"

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Nivel Intermedio

Se necesita unconocimiento intermedio de español.

Para extranjerosresidentes que ya conocen un poco España, su geografía, sus costumbres, sucultura y quieren seguir estudiando. Se combina la enseñanza de la lengua conun análisis amplio sobre la cultura y tradiciones españolas.

For foreign residents whoalready know a bit Spain, geography, customs, culture and want to continuestudying. Language teaching is combined with an analysis of Spanish culture andtraditions.

Intermediateknowledge of Spanish is required.

Dates and places
From October, 11th 2016 to February, 14th 2017
10:00 to 12:00 h.
Spaces where it takes place: 07


Teaching hours: 30
This activity is developed in presence.
  • Tuesday, October, 11th 2016
    • 10:00-12:00 h. Introducción. Antes de 1492
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, October, 18th 2016
    • 10:00-12:00 h. Introducción 2. Antes de 1492
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, October, 25th 2016
    • 10:00-12:00 h. 1492. Los Reyes Católicos, Colón y Antonio de Nebrija
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, November, 8th 2016
    • 10:00-12:00 h. 1492. El español llega a América
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, November, 15th 2016
    • 10:00-12:00 h. Siglo de Oro. S. XVI
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, November, 22nd 2016
    • 10:00-12:00 h. Siglo de Oro. S. XVII
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, November, 29th 2016
    • 10:00-12:00 h. Personajes literarios. El Lazarillo
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, December, 13th 2016
    • 10:00-12:00 h. Personajes literarios. Don Juan 
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, December, 20th 2016
    • 10:00-12:00 h. Personajes literarios. Don Quijote
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, January, 10th 2017
    • 10:00-12:00 h. Personajes literarios. Segismundo
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, January, 17th 2017
    • 10:00-12:00 h. Poesías del Siglo de Oro
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, January, 24th 2017
    • 10:00-12:00 h. El español del siglo XVIII
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, January, 31st 2017
    • 10:00-12:00 h. La RAE
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, February, 7th 2017
    • 10:00-12:00 h. Textos neoclásicos. Las fábulas
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  • Tuesday, February, 14th 2017
    • 10:00-12:00 h. Lecturas propuestas por los alumnos
      • Victoria Monera Martínez 
  Ordinary enrollment
Fee150 €
Victoria Monera Martínez
Licenciada en Filología Hispánica.
Aimed at
Los  TALLERES DE ESPAÑOL van dedicados a los extranjeros que ahora viven en España y quieren conocer mejor su lengua y también su cultura y costumbres.

SPANISH WORKSHOPS are dedicated to foreigners who now live in Spain and want to learn more about thiscountry: language, culture and traditions. ¡
You can choose from three levels, depending on your knowledge of Spanish. Basic (you know just some words or phrases), intermediate (you can express yourself in Spanish), advanced (you speak Spanish very well and you can read literary texts and press).

If you want to know what your level you can talk to the teacher and do the level test on Wednesday 5 October at 10.00 in the UNED, classroom 7 (ground floor).
UNED Denia
Plaza Jaime I, s/n
03700 Dénia Alicante
965 78 17 54 /
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