  • Pamplona

  • Presencial

  • 2.0 crèdits

  • Extensión Universitaria

  • del 30 de setembre de 2024 al 14 de maig de 2025

del 30 de setembre de 2024 al 14 de maig de 2025

Grupo de conversación Inglés B1 2024-2025 (Nueva edición)

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El curso "Grupo de conversación B1" tiene como objetivo fortalecer la expresión oral de los estudiantes y lograr que se desenvuelvan en situaciones cotidianas (ir al médico, al banco, a un restaurante, de compras, de viaje…), empleando elementos lingüísticos del nivel.

Asimismo, se proporcionarán diferentes estrategias de comunicación dotando a los estudiantes con recursos que les ayuden a iniciar, mantener y finalizar conversaciones; mostrar interés,opinar,mostrar acuerdo y desacuerdo, etc. Por último, los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de mejorar la fluidez y trabajar la pronunciación.

Lloc i dates
Del 30 de setembre de 2024 al 14 de maig de 2025
De 19:00 a 20:00 h
Espais en els quals es desenvolupa: Aula 14

UNED Pamplona 

Hores lectives: 50
2 crèdits ECTS en tràmit.
Aquesta activitat es desenvolupa presencialment.
  • dilluns, 30 de setembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 1 Meeting new people.How fun!
      ● Course introduction
      ● Introducing yourself.
      ● Conversation: Meeting new people.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 2 de octubre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 2 Friends. How's it going?/ What's up?
      ● Preferences. I`d prefer to/ I´d like. Prefer/Like
      ● Pronunciation: /w/ - /‘d/
      ● Conversation: Ways to Ask 'How Are You' in English.
      Don't always say Thanks. How to respond to thanks.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 7 de octubre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 3 Family
      ● Talking about family. Look like. Personality.
      ● Conversation:Greetings.Giving opinions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 9 de octubre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 4 Plans for a long weekend: The Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling
      ● Pronunciation /h/
      ● Questions : When? What? How many ? How much?
      ● Conversation: Going to / gonna .The Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 14 de octubre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 5 “You're right. That's a good point”
      ● Don't say What? when you don’t understand
      ● Don’t say goodbye
      ● Conversation: Agreeing and disagreeing. Asking for opinions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 21 de octubre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 6 Shall we go dancing? “Saturday night fever ”
      ● Recommendations
      ● Conversation: Suggestions, recommendations
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 23 de octubre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 7 What do you do for fun?
      ● Talking about hobbies and free time.
      ● Conversation: Giving opinion.Organizing ideas
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 28 de octubre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 8 Time flies . Stevie Wonder “No April rain”
      ● Prepositions of time: In, at, on. Dates
      ● Conversation: What time? When?
      ● How long does it take….?
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 30 de octubre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 9 Oh Gosh ! Back to school “Grease”
      ● Talking about school memories. Present and Past tenses
      ● Pros and cons. Studying abroad
      ● Conversation: Registering for a class
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 4 de novembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 10 Crazy for the 80s
      ● Present and Past. Used to
      ● Alternatives to “I think”
      ● Conversation: giving opinions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 6 de novembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 11 Guess who?
      ● Past Tenses
      ● Pronunciation: Regular verbs
      ● Conversation: Talk about childhood memories.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 11 de novembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 12 Feeling good- Nina Simone
      ● Irregular verbs.Feelings.
      ● Telling stories
      ● Conversation: Expressing feelings
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 13 de novembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 13 Have you ever seen the rain? Creedence Clearwater Revival
      ● Ever- never
      ● Past- Present Perfect.
      ● Conversation: Telling anecdotes.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 18 de novembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 14 Popular Monsters : Ghostbusters
      ● Past continuous-Past perfect .
      ● Conversation: Telling scary stories. Talking about horror films.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 20 de novembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 15 Shall I open the window?
      ● Shall I..’/Will you?..
      ● Pronunciation: Sh and Ch.
      ● Conversation:Asking about plans. Requesting. Offering yourself. Suggestions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 25 de novembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 16 Sweet home Alabama
      ● Talking about your hometown. Housework
      ● Pronunciation: Where?.Short and long a.
      ● Conversation: Flatmates.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 27 de novembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 17 Problems in the house: “I need a plumber”
      ● Relative clauses.Plumber, carpenter,..
      ● Conversation: Talking about problems in the house. Giving advice.
      ● Conversation: Opinion: living abroad
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 2 de desembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 18 Help! I’m lost in the city
      ● Comparing town/ cities
      ● Too / too much/too many.Commands.
      ● Pronunciation : Thes Schwa sound.
      ● Conversation: Asking and giving directions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 4 de desembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 19 Will you marry me? Cryin’ Aerosmith
      ● Future tense . Will
      ● Pronunciation: Sh and Ch. The L sound.
      ● Talking about weddings. Divorce party.
      ● Conversation: Dating.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 9 de desembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 20 Santa Claus is Coming To Town
      ● Quantifiers. “There's no money left”.
      ● Pronunciation: The sound R.
      ● Conversation: Buying Chritsmas presents.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 11 de desembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 21 What do you do for a living?
      ● Talking about your job.Job interviews.
      ● Present perfect and past simple.
      ● Vocabulary related to work.
      ● Conversation: Asking for information. Giving opinions.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 16 de desembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 22 What did she say? Apologize. OneRepublic.
      ● Reported speech.
      ● Pronunciation:Short and long i.
      ● Conversation: Telling what somebody said.Talking about experiences.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 18 de desembre de 2024
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 23 Let´s be polite in English
      ● May I …?/ Can I…? /Can you…? Could you…?/would you mind …?.
      ● Reported speech: Indirect questions
      ● Conversation: Asking for permission. Requesting. Ask questions politely.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 8 de gener de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 24 Let's go to the bank.
      ● Talking about banking operations.
      ● Pronunciation: Short and long vowel o.
      ● Conversation: Asking for a credit card.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 13 de gener de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 25 Celebrities and famous people
      ● Such (a) -So many- so much.
      ● Too- Enough.
      ● Conversation: Talking about celebrities and famous people
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 15 de gener de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 26 Talking on the phone.
      ● Pronunciation Letter E.
      ● Phone phrases. WhatsApp.
      ● Could you..?/ Can I…?May /.
      ● Conversation: Talking on the phone.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 10 de febrer de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 27 Body language
      ● 1st conditional. When –if .
      ● Pronunciation:Natural English pronunciation.
      ● Conversation: Talking about good manners.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 12 de febrer de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 28 Help! I need some advice. If I were you, I would…
      ● 2nd Conditional sentences.
      ● Pronunciation: W sound.
      ● Talking about hypothetical situations. Advice.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 17 de febrer de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 29 “You look great today”
      ● Compliments.
      ● Pronunciation: Get rid of the E.
      ● Conversation: Asking and giving advice. Compliments.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 19 de febrer de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 30 Let's eat out.
      ● Talking about food / taste.
      ● Pronunciation: The TH Sound.
      ● Conversation: Ordering a meal. Offering. Accepting and refusing offers.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 24 de febrer de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 31 “Excuse me, my salad is too salty.”
      ● Talking about food. Supermarkets.
      ● Conversation: Complaints at a restaurant.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 26 de febrer de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 32 Stay healthy
      ● Talking about healthy eating habits.
      ● Pronunciation: /i:/ vs /ɪ/.
      ● Conversation: Invitation to lunch.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 3 de març de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 33 Sales: It's a bargain!
      ● How much are/is…?
      ● Conversation: Buying clothes and comparing.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 5 de març de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 34 Shopping
      ● Pronunciation: the letter "Y".
      ● Conversation: Refunds and exchanges.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 10 de març de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 35 The weather: It’s freezing today!
      ● Possibility:May/might; Probability.
      ● Conversation: Talking about the weather and holidays.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 12 de març de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 36 What a shame! – What a feeling! Flashdance
      ● Pronunciation :How to Pronounce /s/ and /z/.
      ● What (a) ...?.
      ● Conversation: Invitations. Exit conversation. Show interest.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 17 de març de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 37 Going to the doctor: Recommendations.
      ● Present perfect -Present perfect continuous.
      ● Conversation: Talking about health problems.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 19 de març de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 38 Solutions for health problems
      ● Giving Advice. Obligation. Should-need-have to.
      ● Pronunciation English Pronunciation the letter 'D'.
      ● Conversation: Giving advice.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 24 de març de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 39 Let’s work out
      ● Pronunciation: How to Pronounce T and D Final Consonant Sound. 
       ● Conversation: Let’s go to the gym.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 26 de març de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 40 Healthy lifestyles.
      ● Giving Advice. Obligation. Suggestions.
      ● Conversation: Talking about healthy lifestyles.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 31 de març de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 41 I have lost my wallet and passport. What should I do?
      ● Passive sentences.
      ● Conversation:Talking about crime.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 2 de abril de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 42 Crime
      ● Pronunciation: 10 Pronunciation Mistakes.
      ● Conversation: Reporting crimes. Reporting a lost item.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 7 de abril de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 43 OOps. I did it again! Ver unit 6
      ● Interjections.Past experiences and feelings.
      ● Conversation: Using interjections. Questions tags.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 9 de abril de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 44 Breaking news! Gossip magazines and TV shows
      ● Talking about news and social media.
      ● Conversation: Telling strange news stories.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 28 de abril de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 45 Horoscope. Fortune tellers.
      ● Adjectives.Comparatives. May, might .
      ● Conversation: talking about the future.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 30 de abril de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 46 Are we going out tonight?
      ● Present continuous with future meaning.
      ● Conversation:Asking about plans.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 5 de maig de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 47 “I can't make it to dinner on Friday.”
      ● Modal verbs: Can- Could.
      ● Conversation: Making and cancelling plans.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 7 de maig de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 48 How to apologize
      ● Pronunciation: How to pronounce the V and W.
      ● Conversation: Apologizing.Changing an appointment.
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dilluns, 12 de maig de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 49. Everybody needs somebody to love
      • Compound words “every”.
      • Conversation: everybody, everywhere, nowhere,.... . Me, too/neither
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 
  • dimecres, 14 de maig de 2025
    • 19:00-20:00 h. 50. Travelling: At the airport .Problems in the hotel
      • Pronunciation: The G letter.
      • Conversation: At the airport . I’ve lost my luggage! Problems in the hotel. 
      • Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea 

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  Ordinària Família nombrosa especial Persones amb discapacitat Àmbit UNED Persones en situació d'atur /Persones que es troben a l'atur / Persones en situació de desocupació laboral
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Altres activitats del cicle
Aquesta activitat pertany al cicle EXTENSIÓN UNVIERSITARIA 24/25 , format per les següents activitats:

Dirigit per
Aitziber Aldabe Moreno
Profesora UNED Pamplona
Coordinat per
María Cardero Elso
Coordinadora de Extensión Universitaria
Dña. Amaia Alonso Cea
Jefa Departamento Inglés EOIDN
Dirigit a
Este curso está dirigido a alumnado con un nivel de B1 adquirido previamente que deseen afianzar y mejorar la expresión oral en dicho nivel.
Titulació demanada

Haber cursado un B1 

- Desarrollar la destreza oral. 
- Reforzar las estrategias de comunicación.
- Mejorar la fluidez. 
- Trabajar la pronunciación.
Enfoque comunicativo de la lengua. Actividades que promueven la interacción entre el alumnado.
Sistema d’avaluació
Actividades en el aula y pequeñas tareas para casa. Por ejemplo ver vídeos para poder hablar de diferentes temas en clase.
Més informació
UNED Pamplona
C/ Sadar, s/n
31006 Pamplona Navarra
948243250 /
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