
Data Protection Law

Complying with Regulation (UE) 2016/679 and Spanish Organic Law 3/2018, December 5th, about Personal Data Protection and Digital Rights Guarantees. Company name: FUNDACIÓN UNED / VAT number: G-82759044 / Address: Calle de Guzmán el Bueno, 133, edificio Germania, 28003, Madrid / Telephone number: 913 86 72 75 / DPO contact: Purpose of the data processing; The data will be processed for the accounting, fiscal, administrative and academic management of the courses in which the Foundation offers: Legal basis; Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party. Personal data transfers: Personal data may be transferred to: a) Social Security Organizations / b) Tax administration / c) Banks and financial entities / d) Insurance entities / e) Fundae / f) Health Entities. Storage period: Your data will be kept during the legally stipulated deadlines or for as long as a judge or court may require them, taking into account the limitation period for legal actions.