  • Pontevedra

  • In-person

  • Cursos de centros

  • from November, 21st 2014 to February, 20th 2015

from November, 21st 2014 to February, 20th 2015

English Speaking, Listening and Conversation.

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A 20 hour course focussing on English speaking and listening skills including pronunciation and different accents.( Level B1+/B2 upper-intermediate)

Dates and places
From November, 21st 2014 to February, 20th 2015
17:00 to 19:00 h.


C.A.UNED Pontevedra.Aula 110

Teaching hours: 20
This activity is developed in presence.
  • Friday, November, 21st 2014
    • 17:00-19:00 h. Theme: Introductions.
      Aim: This initial class will mainly be about getting to know each other, discovering why each individual has chosen this course and what they hope to gain from it.
      Objective: You will practise not only introducing yourself, but also other people; how to greet strangers and friends; talk about about family, friends and relationships; describe characters and appearances;likes and dislikes; form questions; opening/closing conversations.
    • Friday, November, 28th 2014
      • 17:00-19:00 h. Theme: Leisure and hobbies
        Aim: This will be your chance to talk about your favourite pastime/hobby and find out what other people in the class are interested in, as well as listen to material related to activities.
        Objective:You will be able to speak with more fluidity about what interests you; learn about other peoples activities; build a basis for a more in-depth and elaborate conversation with friends and acquaintances in both professional and social situations.
      • Friday, December, 5th 2014
        • 17:00-19:00 h. Theme: Travel & transport, food& drink
          Aim: To talk about where class mates have been and would like to go and the differences/difficulties/issues they have encountered in various cultures, languages, food and people.
          Objective: To gain vocabulary and functional English to enable you to make/change travel arrangements; order food/go shopping;understand the differences in cultures that you may incur whilst travelling.
        • Friday, December, 12th 2014
          • 17:00-19:00 h. Theme: Christmas, New Year and other festivals
            Aim: A look into how festivals are celebrated in the UK and across the world.
            Objective: To learn about the traditions and practices of different cultures; to compare the similarities and differences; to discuss religion, family values and the history of festivals in different societies/cultures.
          • Friday, January, 9th 2015
            • 17:00-19:00 h. Theme: Health/wellbeing,fitness/sport
              Aim: After the indulgent Christmas season, we will discover classmates views on wellbeing and how they go about keeping themselves healthy. We will talk about any fitness related interests classmates may have and the secrets of a happy, long, healthy life.
              Objective: To learn vocabulary and strengthen conversation when speaking about general fitness and wellbeing; to learn how to disagree politely and to put across your opinion without being offensive; to practice using comparatives and superlatives.
            • Friday, January, 16th 2015
              • 17:00-19:00 h. Theme: Accents and pronunciation
                Aim: We will listen to a number of accents from all over the world (not just English) and discuss the differences and why it is important to understand so many people/accents/dialects. We will also look at typical pronunciation errors and try to correct them.
                Objective: To recognise and become more accustomed to various accents; to be able to pronounce words/sounds that are typically hard for Spanish (and other) people.
              • Friday, January, 30th 2015
                • 17:00-19:00 h. Theme: Profession, work and study
                  Aim: To discuss the types of jobs that fellow classmates have or maybe looking for and courses that students are on, have done or may be interesting to them; to listen to and practise professional situations.
                  Objective: To learn about different professions and studies; to be able to put together a professional CV in English; to understand how to write a cover letter; how to conduct themselves in an interview/professional situation.
                • Friday, February, 6th 2015
                  • 17:00-19:00 h. Theme: Movies, theatre, books, TV shows and music
                    Aim: To discuss genres; stories; artists/writers; and what is good or bad about them. We will look at the differences between cultures and history.
                    Objective: To be able to speak about your likes and dislikes and improve your ability to discuss a number of topics and themes. To be able to describe why you enjoy a certain genre and the emotions you may experience.
                  • Friday, February, 13th 2015
                    • 17:00-19:00 h. Theme: Current affairs
                      Aim: To discuss the latest world news and current affairs.
                      Objective: To be able to debate important subjects; to be up-to-date with language/countries/people in the news; to be able to argue your point; to learn vocabulary around the latest stories; to listen to others and their point of view; to be able to express clearly why you believe in something.
                    • Friday, February, 20th 2015
                      • 17:00-19:00 h. Theme: English expressions and how to sound less Spanish!
                        Aim: A look at the expressions we use in English and what they mean, also the phrases that can't be directly translated from Spanish to English as they have a different (or no) meaning and the expressions you may use that make you sound very non-English!
                        Objective: To learn useful English expressions; to learn alternatives to the expressions/phases some Spanish people use that are not used in English in the same way; to sound more fluent/knowledgable/confident in English language.

                      IMPORTANTE: tenga encuenta que con los datos aportados en su solicitud de matrícula se confeccionan los certificados, asegúrese que son correctos y están completos.
                      Nombre, con mayúscula la primera letra y minúsculas el resto.
                      Apellidos, ambos e igual que en el caso anterior, con mayúscula la primera letra y minúsculas el resto.Y en ambos casos con las tildes correspondientes.
                      NIF. número y letra(mayúscula) ej. 12345678H
                      La devolución del importe de la matrícula se efectuará únicamente si se solicita con al menos 3 días hábiles de antelación a la celebración de la actividad, y siempre justificada por causas de enfermedad o incompatibilidad laboral sobrevenida, para lo que el alumno deberá presentar la documentación que así lo acredite.
                      Una vez comenzado el curso no se realizarán devoluciones

                        Ordinary enrollment
                      Fee40 €
                      Coordinated by
                      Marta Ferreira Rodríguez
                      Coordinadora de Extensión Universitaria del Centro Asociado de la UNED en Pontevedra
                      Bethan Hall
                      English Teacher. Eastbourne, East Sussex Reino Unido. BA Hons Grado de la Universidad de Kingston, Londres • Máster en literatura, lingüística inglesa y sus aplicaciones de la Universidad de Vigo, España • TEFL (titulada en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera) de la Universidad de de Kingston, Londres
                      Aimed at
                      Adults B1+/B2 Level ( upper -intermediate)
                      For the student to become more confident and improve fluidity as well as fluency in professional and social situations.
                      For the student to improve vocabulary, structure and grammar to enable him/her to use English proficiently when travelling or looking for working an English speaking country.
                      English speaking skills will be practised through: Class discussions, student presentations, paired/group work, re-enactments of real life situations, role plays and mock TV/news programmes.
                      Listening skills will be practised with: Films, television series,recorded scenarios, recorded conversations, songs and dictation.
                      Grading system
                      Asistencia al 80% de las clases.Se llevará un control a través de la hoja de firmas
                      Centro Asociado UNED Pontevedra
                      Rúa de Portugal 1
                      36162 Pontevedra Pontevedra
                      986851850 /
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