  • Aula Tui

  • In-person

  • Cursos de centros

  • from March, 8th 2017 to June, 21st 2017

from March, 8th 2017 to June, 21st 2017

Speak Out: Curso de inglés comunicativo ( nivel pre-intermedio)

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A 20 hour course focussing on English speaking and listening skills including pronunciation.


Interpersonal Communication:

  • I can start, maintain, and end a conversation on a variety of familiar topics.
  • I can exchange information about subjects of special interest to me.
  • I can talk about my daily activities and personal preferences.
Presentational Speaking:

  • I can make a presentation about common interests and issues and state my viewpoint.
  • I can make a presentation on something I have learned or researched. 
  • I can make a presentation about my personal and social experiences.
Interpretive Listening:
  • I can understand basic information in ads, announcements, and other simple recordings.

  • I can understand the main idea of what I listen to for personal enjoyment.

Dates and places
From March, 8th 2017 to June, 21st 2017


Aula Universitaria de la UNED en Tui

Teaching hours: 20
This activity is developed in presence.
  • Wednesday, March, 8th 2017
    • 17:00-18:30 h. Identity: review of verbs tenses.
    • Wednesday, March, 15th 2017
      • 17:00-18:30 h. Contact: The future
      • Wednesday, March, 22nd 2017
        • 17:00-18:30 h. Jobs: modal of obligation
        • Wednesday, March, 29th 2017
          • 17:00-18:30 h. Solutions: comparatives and superlatives
          • Wednesday, April, 5th 2017
            • 17:00-18:30 h. Emotion: giving bad and good news
            • Wednesday, April, 26th 2017
              • 17:00-18:30 h. Success: pharses to describe and achievement
              • Wednesday, May, 3rd 2017
                • 17:00-18:30 h. World: giving advice
                • Wednesday, May, 10th 2017
                  • 17:00-18:30 h. History: third conditional
                  • Wednesday, May, 24th 2017
                    • 17:00-18:30 h. Money : relative clauses
                    • Wednesday, May, 31st 2017
                      • 17:00-18:30 h. Society: uses of like
                      • Wednesday, June, 7th 2017
                        • 18:30-18:30 h. Travel ( past simple / past continuous. Dealing with misunderstandings)
                        • Wednesday, June, 14th 2017
                          • 17:00-18:30 h. Nature: articles
                          • Wednesday, June, 21st 2017
                            • 17:00-18:30 h. Quiz- Review

                            Tenga en cuenta que con los datos aportados en su solicitud de matrícula seconfeccionan los certificados, asegúrese que son correctos y están completos.
                            Nombre, con mayúscula la primera letra y minúsculas el resto.
                            Apellidos, ambos e igual que en el caso anterior, con mayúscula la primeraletra y minúsculas el resto. Y en ambos casos con las tildes correspondientes.
                            NIF. número y letra (mayúscula) ej. 12345678H
                            La devolución del importe de la matrícula se efectuará únicamente si sesolicita con al menos 3 días hábiles de antelación al día de comienzo de laactividad, y siempre justificada por causas de enfermedad o incompatibilidadlaboral sobrevenida, para lo que el alumno deberá presentar la documentaciónque así lo acredite.
                            Una vez comenzadoel curso no se realizarán devoluciones.
                            Se podrá anular un curso sí concurren condiciones excepcionalesrelacionadas con aspectos docentes o de infraestructura económica y materialque impidan su correcta celebración. En tal caso, el alumno tendrá un plazo de6 meses  desde la fecha de cancelación, parasolicitar la devolución del importe de la matrícula.
                            Si el alumno es menor de edad, la matricula tendrá que ir acompañada de unaautorización que puede descargar en el siguiente enlace:

                              Ordinary enrollment
                            Fee40 €
                            Marta Ferreira Rodríguez
                            Profesora-tutora del C.A.UNED Pontevedra
                            For the student to become more confident and improve fluidity as well as fluency in professional and social situations.
                            For the student to improve vocabulary, structure and grammar to enable him/her to use English proficiently when travelling or looking for working an English speaking country.
                            English speaking skills will be practised through: Class discussions, student presentations, paired/group work, re-enactments of real life situations, role plays and mock TV/news programmes.
                            Listening skills will be practised with: Films, television series,recorded scenarios, recorded conversations, songs and dictation.
                            Grading system
                            Será necesaria la asistencia al 80% de las horas lectivas para recibir el certificado de aprovechamiento
                            UNED Pontevedra - Aula Universitaria de Tui
                            Rúa Antero Rubín s/n Antiguo Convento de Santo Domingo
                            36700 Tui Pontevedra
                            986605150 /
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