
Cursos y actividades

2014/5/5 - 2014/6/4


  • Vitoria - Gasteiz

  • Aurrez aurrekoa

  • Cursos de centros

  • 2014/5/5 - 2014/6/4

Aurrez aurrekoa
2014/5/5 - 2014/6/4


PDFa inprimatu

Curso incluido en el programa de formación de Hobetuz. Duración del curso: 25 horas.


Centro Asociado de la UNED de Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Tutora: Nekane Ramírez de la Piscina.

Lekua eta datak
2014/5/5 - 2014/6/4
18:00 h.
Irakasguneak: AULA-02

Eskola-orduak: 25
Aurrez aurrekoa
Jarduera hau aurrez aurre gauzatzen da.
Nekane Ramirez de la Piscina Audicana
Tutora del CUID. Traductora e intérprete jurada
Trabajadores y desempleados que deseen mejorar su nivel de inglés.
Language functions
◗ Expressing and requesting opinions and impressions ◗ Expressing obligation, intention and necessity ◗ Expressing possibility, certainty and uncertainty ◗ Giving advice and highlighting advantages and disadvantages ◗ Making suggestions ◗ Describing past habits ◗ Eliciting further information and expansion of ideas and opinions ◗ Expressing agreement and disagreement

◗ Open, first and second conditionals ◗ Past continous tense ◗ Infinitive of purpose ◗ Simple passive ◗ Used to ◗ Relative clauses ◗ Modals and phrases used to express obligation and necessity, e.g. must, have to, need to, don’t have to ◗ Modals and phrases used to give advice and make suggestions, e.g. should, ought to, could ◗ Modals and phrases used to express possibility and uncertainty, e.g. may, might, I’m not sure ◗ Discourse connectors, e.g. because of, due to 

◗ Vocabulary specific to the topic category and subject areas ◗ Further expressions relating to future time, e.g. the day after tomorrow ◗ Expressions of agreement and disagreement ◗ Appropriate words and expressions to indicate interest and show awareness of the speaker, e.g. Really? What good news! How unfortunate ◗ Simple fillers to give time for thought, e.g. Well... Um... ◗ Phrases and expressions relating to the language functions listed above 
Phonology ◗ The correct pronunciation of vocabulary specific to the topic category and subject area ◗ Sentence stress to clarify meaning ◗ Basic intonation and features of connected speech at sentence level and beyond ◗ Intonation patterns of more complex question forms ◗ Rising intonation to indicate interest and surprise as appropriate ◗ Falling intonation to indicate the end of a turn

Subject areas for the Discussion

One subject area for discussion will be selected by the examiner from the list below:
◗ Finding employment ◗ Rules and regulations ◗ Training for work ◗ Motivation ◗ Technology ◗ Teamwork and co-operation
El curso trabaja en el aula las competencias orales (comprensión y expresión orales) del inglés, con ejercicios prácticos en grupo e individuales. Las clases se desarrollan en inglés. En cada clase, hay una revisión rápida (5 minutos) de aspectos gramaticales que necesitan un refuerzo pero el eje central de la clase gira en torno a las competencias de entender y expresarse en inglés.
Argibide gehiago
UNED Vitoria-Gasteiz
Pedro de Asúa, 2
01008 Vitoria - Gasteiz Álava
945 244 200 /
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