En este curso se aborda el estudio del poblamiento prehistórico del valle del río Sella desde la óptica de la historiografía, la cronología radiocabónica, la paleovegetación, la arqueozoología, la arqueomalacología, la arqueología, el análisis de las industrias líticas y el estudio de las manifestaciones artísticas, aportando el conocimiento que actualmente se tiene de las distintas ocupaciones humanas que tuvieron lugar en el valle del Sella y sus afluentes durante el Pleistoceno superior y el Holoceno, desde los neandertales del Paleolítico medio hasta las manifestaciones de la Prehistoria reciente, pasando por los humanos modernos del Paleolítico superior.
Discount for early registration: Participants who register and complete payment before July, 1st 2022 (if applicable) will benefit from the FEES listed in the following table.
Ordinary enrolment | Reduced enrollment | Reduced tuition | |||||||
Ordinary enrollment | Members of UNED’s Graduates’ Association and of Friends of UNED | University students (all universities) | Large family General | Practicum Collaborators | University Students | Unemployed | Students with disabilities | Victims of terrorism and gender violence | Large family Special |
108 € | 63 € | 63 € | 63 € | 63 € | 63 € | 63 € | 32 € | 32 € | 32 € |
Applicants who register but pay from July, 1st 2022, even if previously registered, will still have to pay the fees below.
Ordinary enrolment | Reduced enrollment | Reduced tuition | |||||||
Ordinary enrollment | Members of UNED’s Graduates’ Association and of Friends of UNED | University students (all universities) | Large family General | Practicum Collaborators | University Students | Unemployed | Students with disabilities | Victims of terrorism and gender violence | Large family Special |
124 € | 75 € | 75 € | 75 € | 75 € | 75 € | 75 € | 38 € | 38 € | 38 € |