El presente curso pretende analizar cómo la irrupción de la tecnología en el sector legal está provocando cambios estructurales que están redefiniendo la prestación de servicios jurídicos y al mismo tiempo impulsando con fuerza la implantación de herramientas Legal Tech.
Para matricularse en el curso, pinche sobre el botón "Matrícula online" situado debajo de la tabla de precios.
Discount for early registration: Participants who register and complete payment before July, 1st 2021 (if applicable) will benefit from the FEES listed in the following table.
Ordinary enrolment | Reduced enrollment | Reduced tuition | |||||||
Ordinary enrollment | Members of UNED’s Graduates’ Association and of Friends of UNED | University students (all universities) | Large family General | Practicum Collaborators | University Students | Unemployed | Students with disabilities | Victims of terrorism and gender violence | Large family Special | 108 € | 63 € | 63 € | 63 € | 63 € | 63 € | 63 € | 32 € | 32 € | 32 € |
Applicants who register but pay from July, 1st 2021, even if previously registered, will still have to pay the fees below.
Ordinary enrolment | Reduced enrollment | Reduced tuition | |||||||
Ordinary enrollment | Members of UNED’s Graduates’ Association and of Friends of UNED | University students (all universities) | Large family General | Practicum Collaborators | University Students | Unemployed | Students with disabilities | Victims of terrorism and gender violence | Large family Special | 124 € | 75 € | 75 € | 75 € | 75 € | 75 € | 75 € | 38 € | 38 € | 38 € |