
Cursos y actividades

20 de febrero de 2017

Legally Blonde, Cine-Debate

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  • 20 de febrero de 2017

20 de febrero de 2017

Legally Blonde, Cine-Debate

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Proyección de la película 'Legally Blonde', en versión original subtitulada.

Legally Blonde is a 2001 American comedy film directed by Robert Luketic and produced by Marc E. Platt. It is based on the novel of the same name by Amanda Brown.

“Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” is an old saying. Not always, but occasionally, a movie is much more than what it appears to be on the surface, and this is one of them. What makes it good is the fact that it can really make you laugh, while at the same time it’s subtly telling you that there is no place for cruelty within the realm of human relationships.

Beyond all of the comedy there are some serious issues at the heart of this film, and anyone who’s ever been subjected to trials and tribulations simply because they didn’t happen to fit a certain `mold,’ or coincide with someone else’s `opinions’ of the way things should be, will be able to identify with the protagonist.

Lugar y fechas
20 de febrero de 2017
De 18:00 a 20:00 h.
Espacios en los que se desarrolla: Aula Magna


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Esta actividad pertenece al ciclo Ciclo Cine Debate en Versión original 16/17, formado por las siguientes actividades:

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